We help business owners identify, control, and reduce risk exposures.
Strong Heritage Risk Advisors will:
- Help your business successfully navigate the financial services industry with peace of mind.
- Help your financial services companies comply with regulatory requirements, with confidence.
- Assist your company in setting and reaching your diversity, equity, and inclusion goals.

Strong Heritage Risk Advisors (SHRA) provides concise, comprehensive world-class compliance management support and guidance to all businesses and organizations including those of the African Diaspora who value maintaining a compliant working relationship with domestic and international banking authorities.
Risk Management
Strong Heritage Risk Advisors (SHRA) provides concise, comprehensive world-class enterprise risk management support and guidance to all businesses and organizations including those of the African Diaspora who value maintaining a risk-based approach to managing its resources and the various threats to the success of the organization including industry risk, country risk, operational risk, and other risks.
Fraud Prevention
Strong Heritage Risk Advisors (SHRA) provides concise, comprehensive world-class Fraud Prevention support and guidance to all businesses and organizations including those of the African Diaspora who value a strong anti-fraud culture and to further the company or organization’s competitive advantage.
Business Ethics
Strong Heritage Risk Advisors (SHRA) provides concise, comprehensive world-class Ethics support and guidance to all businesses and organizations including those of the African Diaspora who value maintaining an ethical culture beyond the spirit of regulatory guidance within its domestic and international operations.
Anti-Money Laundering
Strong Heritage Risk Advisors (SHRA) provides concise, comprehensive world-class Anti-Money Laundering program support and guidance to all businesses and organizations including those of the African Diaspora who value a strong Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) culture and to further the company or organization’s competitive advantage.
Diversity & Inclusion Training
Strong Heritage Risk Advisors (SHRA) provides concise, comprehensive world-class Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion support and guidance to all businesses and organizations including those of the African Diaspora and non-African Diaspora businesses who value a strong DEI culture and to further the company or organization’s competitive advantage.
Secret Shopper
Strong Heritage Risk Advisors (SHRA) provides high quality, reliable and detailed Secret Shopper services to all businesses and organizations including those of the African Diaspora and non-African Diaspora businesses who value timely insight and opportunities to strengthen and improve overall customer experience, and assess opportunities to further the company or organization’s competitive advantage.
Solutions for you based on decades of experience
We offer high-quality services and partnerships to help your business grow and remain successful by removing risk and regulatory barriers to attaining your companies operational and financial goals.


why strong heritage
As your preferred partner, Strong Heritage Risk Advisors will help build the confidence and trust of your customers and stakeholders by maintaining a strong culture of compliance, ethics, and fraud prevention, while lowering your overall risk managment exposures.